Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday PM: No rest for the wicked

Had to double up this afternoon for my sins. The joys of shoe-horning a 5k series into the last weeks of a marathon program.

I was originally scheduled a 2 1/2 hour run today, but after discussion with SW this got busted up into the 5k race this morning (plus the 'warm' up and cool down), and two hours this afternoon.

I didn't want anything imaginative, just put the iPod and plod around. Schedule said 27k, so three laps of the Dog Run (Bay Run + Hawthorne Canal) it was, and I got down there at about 2:20pm. Far too fast through the first lap and managed to hold it together through the second, managing two laps in around 1:17:30 or so for around 4:18 or so. Last lap was a shocker in around 41, still 27k in 1:58:33 was fine at around 4:23 pace.

Pretty stuffed now, though. Legs are not too bad - Skins again.


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Jen said...

My legs are feeling tired just reading this Vat :-)

At 9:34 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Must have just missed you around the Bay today Vat.

Nice work on the 5k PB ;-)


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