Tuesday, May 23, 2006

70th of 4428

Don't generally focus on overall placings in events as I can't control what other runners do, but I was secretly hoping I'd done enough for a top 100 finish at the SMH Half - 80 flat will usually land you a spot in the high 90s, so it seemed pretty safe.

So, I was pretty surprised to see yesterday's effort was enough for 70th outright on Sunday. Certainly makes finding your name easier!

That'll do for commentary on Sunday - fantastic result though it was, the main objective sits but 40 days away and it is important to regain focus, work through the recovery, and make the most of the time remaining before the taper. Speed is fine, just need to finish off the endurance work.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger 2P said...

It was with vicarious pleasure that I found so many people I knew or know of in the top 100.

Great stuff Vat.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger vat_man said...

Heh - how cool was that?! I was at work showing off the results to a colleague and he asked if I knew many people in the top 100. It went "club member and good bloke, chatty with him, train with him occasionally, train with him, club member, good mate, train with him, club member, my coach, club member.." and we weren't even up to 30th.


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