Wednesday, November 24, 2004

...and the break continues...

My cold is still hanging around, so I've been trying to maximise sleep, not running Monday or Tuesday, or again this morning. I may get out at lunchtime or this afternoon for a short 5km, depending on how I feel.

I've also had some pain in the shin splint area of my left leg. Doesn't seem so bad today, after running a self-massager over it last night.

I should be right to do Six Foot on Sunday - I'd like to think there's good base endurance there. I'll be booking a massage for Tuesday next week, though.


At 1:23 PM, Blogger Eagle said...

Wise move !!

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Mister G said...

Wow Vat, you haven't run in days mate, you'll be fat and asking for the paper and slippers soon mate.


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