Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Ongoing progress...

Sleep quality overnight was improved (although still not great). Got up a bit after 7 after I felt like I was starting another sweat. Still pretty sluggish for a while in the morning, but after an hour or two actually felt coherent.

The flu now more closely resembles a heavy head-cold, main issue being the slightly woozy head and sore-throat induced coughing. There's some material but it doesn't seem to be originating from my chest, more sinus and throat. I actually had a little bit of appetite this afternoon and took myself down to the Bowen Island Bakery for a pie and cookie for lunch. Not exactly a large meal, but a nice treat, and my sense of taste seems to be returning to normal.

Up to date with my antibiotics, and the aches have gone, so it's back to the office tomorrow (boo!) and hopefully on track for a light 'systems check' jog on Thursday.


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Superflake said...

Good to see you are getting better Vat. Wouldn't want to waste that preferred start. I'm sure you'll run well. See you at the finish.


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