Monday, August 08, 2005

Night sweats, and a visit to the doctor

Another tough night of little sleep, with the bonus of early morning night sweats. Man, how much do they suck? That pretty well ruined my sleep-in.

In a particularly spectacular morning haze, I managed to contact the office to call in sick and organise some spreadsheets to be e-mailed to me, plus organise a medical appointment for late in the afternoon. I'm still powered by Nurofen Liquid Capsules and Duro-Tuss, and my new chemical friends took a little while to kick in this morning. I felt cold all morning, periodically emerging from the backdoor to absorb some sun before scuttling back to the study again. As the day wore on, I started to feel half human, although balance on suddenly arising is still a little suspect. Still no appetite - actually, just on that, you know what pisses me off most about being crook like this? Not the lack of appetite, but the changed perception of taste - I normally love turkish bread with a bit of ham and salad, but I can't stomach the way I taste turkish at the moment. It's very upsetting.

Actually walked the couple of hundred metres to the local clinic, where I was told "don't train" (duh). I normally just go to this place for medical certificates if I'm forced to take a Monday or Friday off (personal thing), and it's also physically the closest clinic to home AND it bulk bills. I actually have a half decent rapport with the doctor there, surprising since I'm there maybe once or twice a year, but then again, maybe not, as I'm about half the age of all the other patients I've seen there, and probably about the only one that exercises. We had a comical conversation last year when I dropped in with a bug where he commented that my heart rate didn't seem elevated, rather it was steady and strong. I asked him what it was.
"Around 68"
"'s usually in the mid to low 40s"
"Ah. Run, do we?"

Anyway, got the same antibiotics as last time, doc thinks I should be right on top of it in 48 hours provided I take the full course of antibiotics (AND I got this lecture again at home - jeez, you end up missing the last three tablets, cop a relapse, and it's "I told you so" Central!) and take it easy. He also suggested taking tomorrow off work might be smart, a suggestion I had no trouble following.

Truth is, tonight's the best I've felt since Friday - I don't have that 'creeping ice' feeling I've been getting in the evenings, which is a nice change. Still quite 'heady', with coughing and sneezing, but I seem to have been successful in keeping it out of my lungs. Possible schedule at this point is return to work Wednesday, possible light jog Thursday evening at the earliest.


At 10:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's better news, Vat! But ...don't forget to take the full course of antibiotics!


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