Tuesday, August 15, 2006

City 2 Surf 2006

So, I managed to justify my preferred status and run 53:22.

Pretty meh about the whole race. It was a good, fun day, but as mentioned previously I've been pretty flat the last three weeks mentally and physically, and while you might be able to bluff your way through a flat 10k, C2S is a different matter entirely.

Still, it was a good, solid run. I was through 10 in around 38:30, figured 4 minute ks would do it from there, and just let the hills do the work. Some good runs from Mohammed, 26 Miles, Uncle Dave, Sailaway and a few others I forget.

To be honest, I was glad to get the event out of the way. Feel like the deck is clear for other projects now.


At 10:33 PM, Blogger Superflake said...

Great run Craig. Glad you kept that preferred for next year. I thought it was in the bag after the great GCM, but then you still had to do the hard work to get the speed back after all the long stuff in the first half of the year. Good luck with the 10k goal.


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