Saturday, October 08, 2005

Wanda Sandhills

Date: Sat, Oct 8 (7:30am)
Conditions: Mild and windy, rising humidity post rain
Location: Wanda Sandhills
Session: Lots of sand hill repeats. 5.96km in 59:42 (distance hardly relevant!). Ave HR 151bpm, inc recoveries
Sleep: 8 hours, good quality
Feeling: Pretty good. A touch of lower leg soreness that went away in the warm-up.

Same deal as last week. Went lactic in the third rep of the second set and it was strugglesville from there on, but I was pretty happy with how I fought the session out. Heart rate was pretty regularly into the 170s with a peak of 179. I don' find the session as hard aerobically as the Tuesday night workouts, but I wouldn't say it was easy. I've included the elevant and heart rate profile.


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