Friday, October 14, 2005

30 mins (actually 25)

Date: Fri, Oct 14 (12:10pm)
Conditions: Airconditioned, but warm
Location: St Leonards Fitness First treadmill
Session: 25 mins for 5km
Sleep: 8 hours, good quality (finally!).
Feeling: Zombie-ish until coffee at 8:45am, after that, pretty decent actually

Decided to capitalise on the good night's sleep and take the extra 40 mins when the alarm went. Shuffled through 25 mins at 5 mins per km pace on the treadmill at the gym, watching the cricket and replay of Bathurst. Felt fine, a little conscious of the hardness of the treadmill.

Still bored out of my mind, though. I don't know how people do it day in, day out.


At 3:15 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Good on yer Vat for sticking it out. I just can't do it, treadmills bore me to tears. I don't know why but I can sit on a bike in a gym for limited periods but the treadmill nuh.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

Yep, I agree, treadmills can be boring.

I also find them 'hard'. Not just it seem easier to me to run a particular pace on the road but my ankles etc never feel quite the same afterwards. Glad its not just me.


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